Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Here's the deal....
Framing the main gallery
View from the center mezzanine looking toward the main gallery
As many already know, Verge moved into its second location in April of 2010. Based on our knowledge of the first location, and a rudimentary background in fundraising 101, we worked out a deal with our landlord to secure a rent deal that would have had the place built out and back in business in six months..... ha.
Main gallery wall seen from the center mezzanine
What we initially thought would be one really long hard year turned into three and now here we are, owning the building, having the money to finish it, and moving in ways both faster and slower than any of us probably anticipated. We've also gained myriad skills that in some cases we weren't even looking to glean, including an adept knowledge of the city building permit process, how to run a community rummage sale (never again), and the ins and outs of the dreaded Quickbooks.
Center mezzanine studios
There are many days when this still feels unreal, although this past Monday it felt more real than ever on account of the entire project now being framed. Throughout Verge the skeleton of what's to come is visible. Studios, galleries, bathrooms, etc are standing at attention waiting for drywall.
Hallway from the center mezzanine to the east loft
While this will no doubt continue to feel like a dream its permanence is sinking in as is the awareness that the hard work and vision of a small group of dedicated individuals is leading to the creation of Sacramento's newest cultural amenity.  This is brick and mortar baby and a very big deal.

If you're antsy to see all this beautiful progress become a member! Our first members only tour is Tuesday Oct 22nd and you'll get a chance to see future Verge in action! If you're not already a member you can do so here.

In the meantime stay tuned!

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