Friday, December 6, 2013

Message in a Bottle

In case you're wondering where all of the activity has gone as of late fear not. Construction has continued at a fevered clip these past weeks despite the lack of blog activity. 

While hammers are swinging and scissor lifts are scissoring we've been printing, signing, and preparing our end of year letter campaign which goes out to almost 1,000 individuals. If you should receive one of these letters look upon it kindly knowing that Verge was built on this support. While appeals may sometimes seem tiring the support we've received from things like Kickstarter, appeal letters, and the tremendous generosity of private individuals has enabled an art center to develop through force of will.

This time next year Sacramento will have a multi-disciplinary contemporary art center and studio residency program due to that support. 

It was Margaret Mead who said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." In Sacramento these days that is most definitely the case.