Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Did someone say ambience?

We here at Verge have now become the sorta folks who get really excited about drywall, especially when that drywall is FREE, FREE, FREE!!! Superstar board member Asher Styrsky secured a massive in-kind donation for us this week nabbing enough drywall to complete the east loft of studios and then some. Bad ass Asher. BAD... ASS....

In other news the slab is now poured for purple bathroom 2.0. Resisting the urge to carve our initials in that slab was great but we persevered. 
Interval Press will be moving on up to a new studio as construction continues due to the fact that their space will become the location for our new disabled access lift. Their new space has not one, not two, but three 20 foot high walls. Build those prints to heaven dudes!
Behold what will soon become our front exhibition space. We are currently in the works to rent this area to a community partner. Super exciting! Stay tuned for who....
Finally, this area is set to be a closet upon reopening. In the meantime the subs have been using it as a dining room. The combo of super dead mum, chrome dining tables, and old crap fold chairs is too funny not share. Did someone say ambience?
While we have your attention don't forget about our Indie Go Go campaign which wraps up this week! We're just over 1k away from our goal of $10,000. Because we are closed through construction these funds are crucial to our success. In the meantime Verge is hosting all sorts of special programming for members until we reopen and membership will last from construction through our first full year of operation so come aboard! 

In the meantime....

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